Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Down with JSP!!!

Okay, okay...that's a bit of a troll, I admit. However, I have been doing Java based web applications for what must be more than 7 years now and I am honestly sick of JSPs. Now, before I get all ideological on you, I want to point out that I am not sure that we are ready to completely eliminate the JSP from the planet. I will tell you that the average developer of Java web apps is spending way too much time looking at these things. JSPs are nasty, dirty things that are difficult to put together and even worse to maintain. Now, I'm sure some people reading this will start thinking things like "this guy probably still uses scriptlets everywhere" or other such blasphemies. I will assure you this is not the case. I use all the happy little taglibs that are supposed to make my life so much easier. Yeah, well they don't...

So, it's obvious that I am getting a bit hot-in-the-collar about this. However, I think that most of us who care about such things realize that the old familiar style of web development just isn't doing it any more. I am tired of switching from XML to Java to SQL to CSS and on and on and on. I am tired of writing unnatural form bindings and silly validation scripts. I am tired of not being able to interface with the components on my web UI in the same way I would any other components in my application; via a Java API. Now, that there are frameworks that are getting there. I have used Echo2 and fiddled with Google Web Toolkit a bit, and they are on their way. I am really excited to see the switch to a component and event paradigm in web frameworks. I wish that JSF had not been so little so late. However, I guess that change is in the air and we really will not know where we are going until the dust clears. Wherever that may be, I sure hope we get there soon...because, if I have to write another <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c.tld" %>, I'm not sure I can take responsibility for my actions...

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