Podcasting Tutorials?
So, I've been thinking a lot about the kind of information that I want to convey here. I am very fond of the tutorial format. The problem is that I am not really convinced that blogging tutorials is appropriate. The reason that I say this is that my tutorials tend to get long-winded rather quickly (as does anything that comes out of my head). Tutorials seem to be a better fit for the multi-paged, online magazine format. The problem I have with going that route is two fold. First of all, I have no desire to spend time trying to convince some online editor to publish my tutorials. Yes, I could always do it myself, but I really do not think that my goals match up with that format. I, like many of you out there, am a busy guy. I think I do a pretty good job of keeping current, but it takes a significant effort. This is an effort that, sadly, most developers either do not have the time or the motivation to undertake. My answer to this problem has been multi-pronged. First, I utilize the wonderful service provided by Netvibes to keep my time spent having to jump from site to site at a minimum. Secondly, (and this is something that Netvibes also helps with) I practice active "time shifting". What I mean by this is that I utilize technology to help me make something out of the time in my day that is lost to the abyss. The time I am talking about is that spent in the car, in lines, waiting for other people or even performing the less "thought intensive" parts of my day job. Now, I do not want to give anyone the idea that I put all of those minutes to actively advancing myself. A good many of those minutes get devoted to things that are nothing but mind candy. I do, however, listen to a number of podcasts that take aim at intellectual topics or attempt to educate their listeners in some way or another.
This got me thinking: would a podcast be a good format for tutorials of this type? While there are a number of podcasts that address software development, most of them focus on news or interviews. From what I can tell, there really is not much out there providing active training to the community. Personally, I know that I would listen to a podcast of this type...but that goes without saying. What I am stuck on is whether or not audio is a format that would be widely accepted for this purpose. I have a number of tutorials canned and ready to go. So, I am contemplating recording a few of them up front to determine if there are any hurdles to getting this type of information across in an audio format...and maybe syncing that audio with a "screencast" if I get ambitious. If it goes well, maybe I will release them and see what everyone has to say. If the response is good, I'll keep it up. I am a bit concerned about being able to create tutorials at a rate that would keep a listener base coming back. However, if I get enough feedback, I may try to balance that out by requesting tutorial submissions from listeners. We'll see...it is really just a thought at this point.
technorati tags:Podcasting, Software, Training, Tutorials
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